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lirik lagu dan chord gitar to the bone

Salah satu lagu populer yang dibawakan pamungkas berjudul To The Bone, membuat banyak orang meng-cover lagu tersebut. Berikut chord gitar dan lirik lagu To The Bone yang dipopulerkan Pamungkas

Capo di fret 3

(Intro) C D C D



Have I ever told you..


I want you to the bone..


Have I ever called you..


When you are all alone..


And if I ever forget


To tell you how I feel..


Listen to me now, babe..


I want you to the bone


C           D

I want you to the bone.. oo oooh..

C           D

I want you to the bone.. oo oooh..



Maybe if you can see


What I feel through my bone


Every corner in me


Theres your presence that grown


Maybe I nurture it more


By saying how it feel..


But I did mean it before


I want you to the bone..D

I want you to


(Chorus)G        D/F#

Take me home, I’m fallinEm       D

Love me long, Im rollin’C               Bm

Losing control, body and soulAm                     D

Mind too for sure, Im already yoursG         D/F#

Walk you down, Im all inEm        D

Hold you tight, you call andC                      Bm

Ill take control your body and soulAm                     D         Em

Mind too for sure, Im already yours..

F               Em

Would that be alright..

F         D

Hey, would that be alright?


I want you to the bone..


So bad I cant breathe..

C    D C D

I want you to the bone..



Of all the ones that begged to stay


Im still longing for you


Of all the ones that cried their way


Im still waiting on you


Maybe we seek for something that


We couldnt ever have


Maybe we choose the only love


We know we wont accept


Or maybe were taking all the risks


For something that is real


Cause maybe the greatest love of all


Is who the eyes cant see, yeah


(Int.) C D C D



(Chorus)G        D/F#

Take me home, I’m fallinEm       D

Love me long, Im rollinC               Bm

Losing control, body and soulAm                     D

Baca juga  lirik lagu dan chord gitar putus atau terus

Mind too for sure, Im already yoursG         D/F#

Walk you down, Im all inEm        D

Hold you tight, you call andC                      Bm

Ill take control your body and soulAm

Mind too for sure,

D         G   D/F# Em D

Im already yours..

C  Bm Am   D

ooh..    oh yes..



(Would you just take me home?)D/F#             Em

(Would you just love me long?)D                  C

(Or should I keep hoping on?)Bm              Am     D

(Should I keep hoping on?)


(Could I just take you home?)


(Could I just love you long?)


(Or should I keep hoping on?)


(Should I keep hoping on?)D                      C        D

See, I want you to the bone.. yeah..

C    D

I want you to the bone..

C            D

I want you to the bone.. yeah..C D                   C     D

I want you to the bone..

C    D

I want you to the bone


To the Bone


Have I ever told you
I want you to the bone
Have I ever called you
When you are all alone
And if I ever forget
To tell you how I feel
Listen to me now, babe
I want you to the bone

I want you to the bone, oh
I want you to the bone, oh

Oh, maybe if you can see
What I feel through my bones
And every corner in me, oh
That’s your presence that grown
Maybe I nurture it more
By saying how I feel
But I did mean it before
I want you to the bone
I want you to

Take me home, I’m fallin’
Love me long, I’m rollin’
Losing control, body and soul
Mind too for sure, I’m already yours
Walk you down, I’m all in
Hold you tight, you call
I’ll take control, your body and soul
Mind too for sure, I’m already yours

Would that be alright? Yeah
Hey, would that be alright?
I want you to the bone, yeah
So bad I can’t breathe, no
I want you to the bone

Of all the ones that begged to stay
I’m still longing for you
Of all the ones that cried their way
I’m still waiting on you
Maybe we seek for something that
We couldn’t ever have
Maybe we choose the only love
We know we won’t accept
Or maybe we’re taking all the risks
For something that is real
‘Cause maybe the greatest love of all
Is who the eyes can’t see, yeah

Baca juga  Kunci Piano Not Angka River Flows in You Chord Lagu dan Lirik Yiruma

Take me home, I’m fallin’
Love me long, I’m rollin’
Losing control, body and soul
Mind too for sure, I’m already yours
Walk you down, I’m all in
And hold you tight, you callin’
I’ll take control, your body and soul
Mind too for sure, I’m already yours, no, yeah, yeah, yeah
Oh yeah

Hey, I want you to the bone, oh
I want you to the bone, oh, bone, ooh yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, mm
I want you to the bone, bone, bone, bone
I want you to the moon and back, hey


Referensi Pamungkas- To The Bone

To The Bone yang dipopulerkan Pamungkas telah ditonton sebanyak 159 juta kali di Youtube. Kesuksesan lagu ini membuat pamungkas lebih dikenal dari berbagai Negara.  Selain itu, lagu ini juga direaksi oleh youtuber luar.

Perjalanan karier pamungkas di bidang musik tak mudah dilalui. Menurut pamungkas, musik karyanya menjadi lebih baik karena perjalanan hidup.  Dia pernah merasakan kebingungan saat memilih antara pendidikan atau karier musik. Namun siapa sangka, beberapa lagu yang dirilisnya cukup populer, seperti One Only, To The Bone, I Love You But I’m Letting Go, dan lainnya.

Arti Makna Lagu To the Bone

Dalam lirik To the Bone, yang di ingikan Pamungkas adalah seseorang yang ia cintai dapat menerima dan menghentikan penantiannya selama ini, karena rasa yang ia berikan bukanlah hanya sedekar main-main, namun ia amat bersungguh-sungguh untuk mencintai orang itu


Chord Gitar, Lirik Lagu dan Video musik di atas adalah hak cipta milik pencipta lagu, artis atau band, penerbit dan label musik yang bersangkutan. Semua media yang kami tampilkan di website ini hanya sebagai referensi atau media pembelajaran untuk mempermudah pengunjung mencari not pianika dan chord gitar lagu yang dicari.